Wednesday 11th December Advent Day 11One of the recurring images of God’s reign – God’s kingdom – is the banquet table…or indeed the kitchen table.
Tuesday 10th December Advent Day 10I learned some new songs from some of the Philippino guest workers in Tiberias.
Monday 9th December Advent Day 9The second Advent candle, the peace candle, is lit in the company of that most disruptive of prophets, John the Baptist.
Sunday 8th December - Advent 2There is so much darkness in our world now it is hard to imagine the way of peace, yet the promise of God’s mercy persists...
Saturday 7th December - Day 7I am still surprised by the knowledge that Jesus walked here. He knew these hills and the lake. The call to walk in his way...
Friday 6th December - Day 6Am I always open to learning? Spirit of the Galilee, a group of Jews, Christians and Muslims come together to learn from each other.
Thursday 5th December - Day 5Peace is an overused and damaged concept, and is far more than the absence of conflict...
Wednesday 4th December - Day 4Although society here is polarized and people are suspicious of the other, there are places like Sindyanna of the Galilee...
Tuesday 3rd December - Day 3Things can grow in unlikely places, and the rain is greening things up. But rain also means flooding and the suffering in Gaza intensifies.
Monday 2nd December - Day 2Most nights over the past six months I have heard Israeli airplanes going north to Lebanon.
Sunday 1st December - Day 1Here in the Galilee winter is on its way. After the searing heat of summer some cool is welcome. How can I get ready this Advent season to w