Our Partners
Our church partners in Israel Palestine are the Lutheran and Anglican churches, and we have a special link with our Ecumenical Associates, Doug Dicks of the PCUSA, Jane Eesley of the United Methodist Church and Dave Hardman of the Methodist Church in Great Britain.
We have also, over many years, supported organisations and projects who have been working for peace with justice here in Israel Palestine.
Our Ecumenical Associates

Rev David Hardman
Methodist Church in Great Britain
Revd. David Hardman is a British Methodist Minister ordained in 1994. He has served churches and circuits in the city centre, inner-city and suburbs of Manchester and London. He has also worked for Christian Aid as Senior Regional Coordinator in the North West of England and most recently as Methodist Team Leader of the Joint Public Issues Team. Justice and Peace have been at the heart of David’s ministry, he is an accredited mediator with Place for Hope. As the Methodist Liaison Officer, Jerusalem for the Methodist Church in Britain his work includes supporting Methodist pilgrims and volunteers, local projects and communities, working ecumenically, standing with human rights groups and policy and advocacy work in the UK.
Jane Eesley
Methodist Church
Rev Jane Eesley serves as Advocacy Coordinator with the Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem (housed at St George's Anglican Cathedral close). Jane is a United Methodist minister who served congregations in Northern Illinois (in the US) for 27 years before moving to the MLO in August 2023. She had served as a Mission Intern in East Jerusalem for sixteen months in 1990-91. Jane holds bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature, as well as a Master of Divinity.

Doug Dicks
Presbyterian Church USA
Doug Dicks has served as an Ecumenical Associate with St. Andrew's Scots Memorial Church in Jerusalem since November of 2017.
Doug has been in the Middle East for 25 years, and today he serves as the Regional Liaison to Israel, Palestine and Jordan on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Over the years, Doug has accompanied hundreds of Presbyterians who have come to the region seeking to walk alongside Arab Christians as well as to learn from them. He has also engaged with Israelis committed to peace, justice and the freedom of both peoples to live as caring neighbors.
Doug holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and archaeology from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. His home church is Buckton Presbyterian Church in Front Royal, Virginia, and his home Presbytery is Shenandoah Presbytery.